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Free Support Calls During COVID-19

Do you or someone you know feel overwhelmed during these times and need more support?


As a service for the community I’m offering 5 free one-time support calls each week (does not apply to my current clients). 


These are not simply consultations. 


Every week I’ll be setting aside 2.5 hours to support anyone who needs it right now: Whether you or the person you’re thinking of can afford long term therapy or coaching right now or not.


At the end of our call you or the person you’re thinking of will feel more resourced and clear, and that would be helpful by itself. And if it feels like a good fit we might talk at the end about longer-term ways to work together. I’m here for you or for anyone else you’re thinking of that might need it. 


Since I am committed to serving my existing clients, and my schedule is busy, the spots for the support calls are limited to 5 each week: if you’re not my current client or if there’s a person who might benefit from it (you can simply send them the link) please feel free to schedule your call below. The calls are limited to 1 call per person or a couple.      



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